Wednesday 8 August 2012


Play Ground Junior Side Obstacle Course 


  1. Obstacle course
  2. Stop watch
  3. At lest 8 minutes required
  4. Two teams

1.This is an event involving strength with two teams of twelve 

2. Team 1 starts at the beginning of the obstacle course over at the y5 and 6 junior side playground

3. Teams decide what side of the obstacle course each person go on 

4. Then team 1 does the obstacle course with TEAM WORK as fast as they can

5. If little kids cannot do or reach an obstacle course, help will be required from bigger people.

6. If someone cannot complete one of the obstacles they have to wait for 5 seconds and then walk past the uncompleted obstacle and move onto the next one 

7. When finished wait for team 2 to complete the course

8. When each team finishes Team 1 and 2 gets told what time they got

9. The team that gets first place will instantly get ten points and the losing team gets two

10. Then each team moves onto the next event

By Louis Sutherland, Jacob Waterworth, Flynn Giles and David Balayan

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