Thursday 23 August 2012

Dear Abby letter

Dear Abby 
I’m the Prince of a fair town named Verona, it’s an admirable village, but what really troubles me are the two families living in it. The Montagues and the Capulets. Both of these families build up aggression for each other which leads to innocent lives being lost everyday. Every time I look into their eyes, I see nothing but hatred between the two families. Every time I visit the village I have to bellow at them to stop this treacherous habit of theirs. I can’t sleep, nor eat when I’m thinking about the two families. For instance today I came to visit the quiet streets of Verona, as I entered through the gates, it felt like a deserted wasteland, there were dead bodies lying everywhere. I really can’t explain my feelings that day, the emotions I felt inside. I had butterflies in my stomach, I didn’t know what to do. When is this nightmare going to end, when is the violence and the bloodshed going to finish. Please Abby I need your help.


Dear Prince 

This sounds like a crucial problem for you to handle and I think that this situation is very important for your village, I understand how you feel but you need to pull yourself together and make a set of rules for those two families and  for the whole town. If that doesn’t work out, you should ban one of the families out of Verona for good, you’re the Prince. Take charge.  

Yours truly Aunt Abby

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