Thursday 23 August 2012

Dear Abby letter

Dear Abby 
I’m the Prince of a fair town named Verona, it’s an admirable village, but what really troubles me are the two families living in it. The Montagues and the Capulets. Both of these families build up aggression for each other which leads to innocent lives being lost everyday. Every time I look into their eyes, I see nothing but hatred between the two families. Every time I visit the village I have to bellow at them to stop this treacherous habit of theirs. I can’t sleep, nor eat when I’m thinking about the two families. For instance today I came to visit the quiet streets of Verona, as I entered through the gates, it felt like a deserted wasteland, there were dead bodies lying everywhere. I really can’t explain my feelings that day, the emotions I felt inside. I had butterflies in my stomach, I didn’t know what to do. When is this nightmare going to end, when is the violence and the bloodshed going to finish. Please Abby I need your help.


Dear Prince 

This sounds like a crucial problem for you to handle and I think that this situation is very important for your village, I understand how you feel but you need to pull yourself together and make a set of rules for those two families and  for the whole town. If that doesn’t work out, you should ban one of the families out of Verona for good, you’re the Prince. Take charge.  

Yours truly Aunt Abby

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Mini olympics Strength



1. Bars for two teams of twelve 
2. Stop watch
3. Chairs
4. 8 minutes required 
5. Two teams of twelve

The aim of the game is to hold on to the bar for as long as you can.

  1. This is a game of strength involving two teams of twelve 

2. Everybody in each team holds onto a bar on the y5 and 6 playground 

3. Team 1 and 2 hangs onto the bar until they are to tired and want to stop 

4. Wait until all contestants have finished too.

5. Every 25 seconds you hold onto the bar you get one point.

6. Then add up the scores. Whichever team has the most points wins. 

7. Then team 1 and 2 move onto the next event.

By Lois Sutherland, David Balayan, Jacob Waterworth and Flynn Giles  

Romeo Character description

Romeo is a kind, passionate, and loyal husband. He is a dreamy young man who cares for me and his friends. When it comes to fighting Romeo is a peacekeeper and he is a lover not a fighter. At the age of 15 Romeo stole my heart and since then it was love at first sight.

Romeo is a handsome, good looking man. He has short thin straight hair, sparkling blue eyes, skin as creamy as vanilla, and he is the man of every girls dream.

Romeo belongs to the family of Montagues. His mum, Lady Montague and his father Lord Montague. He’s the only child in the Montague family. Romeos cousin goes by the name of Benvolio, he is a good, caring, kind cousin who always stands up for Romeo. Although not all families live happily, my family hate the Montagues, they have held a grudge for each other for many, many years, which has led to meaningless violence.

Romeo’s interests are to write love poems about me,some of them say really romantic things like "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." they make me fell special about myself. He also likes to do stuff with his friends. I think Romeo likes to dream about Me.

Romeo is a nice husband who I am happy to of meet at the party, if it wasn’t for him I would of had to mary Paris.  


Play Ground Junior Side Obstacle Course 


  1. Obstacle course
  2. Stop watch
  3. At lest 8 minutes required
  4. Two teams

1.This is an event involving strength with two teams of twelve 

2. Team 1 starts at the beginning of the obstacle course over at the y5 and 6 junior side playground

3. Teams decide what side of the obstacle course each person go on 

4. Then team 1 does the obstacle course with TEAM WORK as fast as they can

5. If little kids cannot do or reach an obstacle course, help will be required from bigger people.

6. If someone cannot complete one of the obstacles they have to wait for 5 seconds and then walk past the uncompleted obstacle and move onto the next one 

7. When finished wait for team 2 to complete the course

8. When each team finishes Team 1 and 2 gets told what time they got

9. The team that gets first place will instantly get ten points and the losing team gets two

10. Then each team moves onto the next event

By Louis Sutherland, Jacob Waterworth, Flynn Giles and David Balayan