Wednesday 15 February 2012

Room 22
Muritai Road
Dear Board of Trustees and Mr Bird
I am a member of Room 22, Muritai school and I am requesting new desks for our beloved class. Here are a few reasons.
Firstly, our current desks have been brutally damaged pointlessly graffitied and roughly carved into. We are ashamed to have desks in such state. 
Secondly we require desks with tote-trays, we are sick and tired of walking up and down just to get our stationery, whereas the rest of the classes (with ease) can obtain what they require. It would create a superior life for room 22.
Also, we would require desks of identical shapes and sizes, we don’t need desks of various appearances. Another thing. Chairs, we require chairs of identical class. We don’t want chairs that look like the desks. Untidy.
As a Green Gold Environment school it is a shame to have desks in such manner, we promise to look after our new desks, to make them pleasant to look at, and not make the same error again.
In conclusion we want desks which haven’t been damaged, graffitied or carved into. The same shape and size and ones that would suit our environment.
Your sincerely,
 David Balayan.