Sunday 18 November 2012

Corporal Punishment

   Corporal Punishment

Imagine you are sitting in class working your brain and some one flicks a pen at you. “Ouch! Who did that? You ask. But before you get an answer the teacher, eyes like fire: burning with rage pulls you by the ear dragging you to the front of the class. By then you are crying; trembling with fear while the teacher pulls out a long leather strap, tells you to bend over as he starts readying his shot and without any fuss whacks you on the back of the legs leaving a huge mark like a tigers stripe. Do you really believe this should be the way for kids to be punished? I don’t and these are my reasons why.

A classmate of mine did really bad at school, one of the reasons was because he had dyslexia. He couldn’t read as fast as the other students in class and the teacher would always tell him off or hit him on the back of the head and tell him to read faster. Sometimes He couldn’t couldn’t do his homework and the teacher would call his parents and tell them that he was not doing his homework and they needed to make him work harder on his homework. After she did that she, she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the front of the class and grabbed a long leather strap from her draw and told him to put his hands out so she could whack him on the hands, and that is what she did. It was horrible to watch. His hands were as red as a boiled lobster. Can you imagine that; being beaten for your disabilities.

Secondly I think there are better ways to solve bad behavior like writing lines or just getting told off. I know in some cases getting told off would not teach someone a lesson so I go by a saying “Easy come easy go.” So if you do something that is not worth being beaten for, you should get a punishment worthy of your behavior, while doing doing something terrible should be met with a bigger punishment. But still it is no reason to hit children for what they have done.

On one side of the issue children that get beaten get more violent and angry at the teacher. One day they will stand up and hit back and release all their anger on the teacher which encourages other students to fight back and not be afraid of the consequences that might follow. So if we don’t want this to happen I think it will be reasonable to abolish Corporal Punishment from every single school.

Still some people think that Corporal Punishment should be applicable in schools so it can show the children what would happen if they were naughty. I still think that should not be the case because it will make the children scared of the teacher and put more hate between students and learning which won’t be very good for the parents and the school itself. Also when children are scared, their brain doesn’t work as well when as you would when you are happy, this also helps me prove my point that scared children (knowing a teacher is about to beat you) wouldn’t boost your love for learning.

In conclusion, I think Corporal Punishment is wrong because of how unjust it is for someone to be beaten for something they haven’t done. Corporal Punishment affects your learning because no wants to be in a school knowing you are just a punching bag for a teacher. Thats why I stand by on what I said about children being scared of a teacher. If we abolished Corporal punishment, schools would have better learning for children that are happy to know that they are not going to get beaten by a teacher 

Sincerely David Balayan   

Thursday 8 November 2012

Dare Evaluation

The DARE Programme Helped me a lot with my knowledge about the use of drugs, it helped a lot
because before i had no idea that drugs could destroy your body in few weeks if you get addicted (which isn't that hard) also Constable Julie Taught me that ONE! Little word can be so powerful.
Just by saying no to drugs you can live life knowing that it is so easy to say no that when the time comes you can say no with pride. I think the DARE programme had a great impact on me that i don't
want to see any type of drugs near me

Words of wisdom

The reason I like this page is because it has a lot of great quotes and they have great meanings.